"Nasterea este una dintre cele mai puternice experiente umane, dar poate ai fi una din cele in care femeia se simte lipsita de putere.", afirma Robbie Davis-Floyd in cartea "Modele de nastere care functioneaza". Care sunt factorii care pot determina o nastere...
Psihologie pre/perinatală
Nasterea ca eveniment traumatic si consecintele ei
Nasterea este un eveniment natural, firesc, resimtit in mod diferit de la femeie la femeie. Deoarece viitoarele mame pot percepe acest eveniment ca unul in care isi pot pierde viata sau pot sa ii faca rau bebelusului, psihologii au clasificat nasterea ca un eveniment...
Core Principles of the Integrated Model of Early Development
The Core Principles of the Integrated Model of Early Development are defined by Wendy Anne McCarty in 2005. 1. We are sentient beings—conscious and aware from the beginning of life. We have a sense of self as we enter physical form that is present prior...
Welcoming Consciousness in Early Period of Life
During my childhood, I remember my grandma used to tell us a story of a meeting place after each of us will die. In the Christian Orthodox religion after the body dies the soul travels through many customs where is judged by the way he/she behaves. That gave me a...
Ce simte copilul din burtica ta?
“Melodia este creata in uter, versurile sunt adaugate dupa aceea.” (Bruce Lipton) O data cu dezvoltarea tehologiei (aparitia ecografului) si evolutia stiintifica din domeniul medicinei (biologie & genetica) si psihologiei (constiinta & minte) s-a produs o...
Babies are not just reflexes
In the third module of the Prenatal and Perinatal Educator (PPNE) Certificate Program developed by APPPAH (Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health), I wrote an essay about the new way of seeing babies, because babies are not just reflexes. You...